Close Call!!
Here’s a patient with an metallic intraocular foreign body (IOFB) which occurred from hammering metal at work.
This patient had the IOFB enter through the sclera and managed to embed itself in the vitreous cavity with no damage to the cornea, lens, macular or optic nerve.Fortunately his visual axis was spared from any damage. There was a small localised superotemporal retinal detachment associated with the entry site.
He underwent emergency surgery with principles being removal of IOFB, repair of the globe and retinal detachment as well as prevention of endophthalmitis and mitigating the risk of redetachment.
Following combined IOFB removal, retinal detachment repair with an encircling scleral buckle and vitrectomy he managed to retain 6/6 (20/20) vision.
Great result but totally avoidable!!
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